There is one resource that is scarcer than food or money for the average college student.  That is sleep.  Sleep can drive students mad and push them to extremes.  I could have graduated a full year early if I was willing to sign up for more than one morning class a semester (and drop my second major and some other changes, but that is not the point.)

If you are perspective reading my blog, I highly suggest experimenting with your sleep schedule now.  Unless you are one of those strange morning bird people and not someone like me who still doesn't believe 6am even exists (I still have no first hand proof.)  Which I never got anyways, they say the early bird gets the worm... Well does it not make sense to stay up and get the worm before the early bird wakes up?  Anyways back to what I was trying to say.

It is pretty easy to hang out with friends all night and do homework after they go to bed.  Chances are you will even wake up with no real consequences.  However, if you repeat this process over and over again you will burn out and that is a guarantee.

Take the time now to figure out how much sleep you need to stay functioning.  That whole 8 hour thing is a myth.  Some people are high energy and can function on 6 or less hours of sleep a night.  Some may need over 9 hours.  Now is the time to try pushing yourself a little and find your magic sleep number.

I didn't find mine until sophomore year and now I am glad I did.  I found I can alternate, 6 hours of sleep and 9 hours of sleep and I function great.  In fact, for whatever reason if I sleep 7 or 8 hours in a night, I actually wake up more tired than if I slept 6 hours.  So I alternate, late night, 6 hours of sleep, then the next day I go to bed early, get 9 hours of sleep.  This way I still have my late nights, but I never crash and burn.

So try it now, find what your minimum amount of sleep is and at what levels you may wake up groggy wishing you could sleep longer.  Maybe you can function with little sleep and then take an extended nap.  Everyone has a different way of sleeping that works for them.  And if your parents storm into your room on a Saturday morning and yell at you for sleeping in, tell them you are doing research for college.

I will be the first to admit the fact.  I am not the most athletic person in the world.  While I love hot wings and fellowship, you will not find me watching "The Game" in the Breezeway (Although you will find me popping in for the hot wings anyways.)

What I do enjoy is getting together with a bunch of Eastern guys on a Friday afternoon and taking out all my aggression in a game of full tackle football.  Now, this isn't the safest way to spend an afternoon... Especially after midterms when everyone has that extra bit of frustration to unleash.  However, it presents a great way to get together with a bunch of people from various levels of skill (I still can't catch a pass any further than 5 yards from the QB...) and have a good time. 

Whether you play in a pick up game, intramurals, or the very intense Powder Puff football league, football is definitely a reason to look forward to the fall semester.