So here we go..

Welcome! Thanks for reading. I'm Josh. Two things about me: I love coffee and conversation.

Eastern University is where I have spent the past 3 years of my life. I can honestly say that it has been an unforgettable time. I'm already looking back with so much nostalgia and looking forward into the next step of my life with excitement. Eastern is just one of those places that seems to change people. Well, maybe change isn't the best word.. I'm looking something along the lines of that old adage "bring out the best in you" (I can't remember if it came from an Army commercial or a mayonnaise commercial..), nonetheless, Eastern has profoundly affected me for the better. So far, my Senior year has been pretty busy workload-wise, but so enjoyable.

Time to run to dinner with my hall, but I'll be posting more later. Peace and love.