There really are other things to being here besides classes and homework, but I just really love class! I love my honors college classes and I love listening to my professors and friends talk about what we’re studying. To summarize, I just really love listening to smart people talk. So I feel like I'm in the right place.

I’ll admit it, I’m getting a taste of that overwhelmed feeling. I’m excited though, genuinely excited about becoming a better writer and thinker. I’ve been pulling some late nights full of studying and allowing for brief distractions and it’s catching up to me. Lately some of my cohort members and I have been studying together, discussing our work and our papers and the complex subjects that we can’t seem to stop pondering. It’s really helpful to work together and talk out your confusions, at least for me. Writing these papers is incredibly painstaking, and I’m finding it easier to enjoy when I’m talking to other people about it.

 I haven’t been able to go to sleep at a decent hour because I so desperately want to keep working on my paper, to keep revising it in hopes that it might actually make sense. I’ve been drinking a LOT of coffee. . . and trying to enforce what my roommate Cassie and I call “No Fun Weekends.” These are weekends on which we are supposed to do only homework and not have any fun. We even discourage casual smiling; laughing is absolutely out of the question. We are still working on perfecting it.

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    I'm Kelsea Smith- I'm a freshman from Arkansas here at Eastern trying to make it in the Templeton Honors College! I have no idea what I'm doing as far as a major goes. . . possibly a minor in Anthropology.



    September 2010



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