The other night we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary to go through the haunted house, and it was SO FUN. I can’t believe it’s already October. I’m so excited for fall here- I’ve been told that we’re going trick-or-treating, Christmas caroling, and that I’m going to get really sick of cold weather. But right now that’s really hard for me to believe. I love stepping out of Walton with a hot cup of spicy tea and being embraced by that crisp, fall air that chills my nose and cheeks and makes me pull my forearms in for warmth. It’s been raining a lot lately, so the walk to and from the library each night after hours of homework is a little wet, but almost always pleasant. Mmmm. . . precipitation!

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    I'm Kelsea Smith- I'm a freshman from Arkansas here at Eastern trying to make it in the Templeton Honors College! I have no idea what I'm doing as far as a major goes. . . possibly a minor in Anthropology.



    September 2010



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