Oh! How I love the weekend dearly.

Ever since my First year at Eastern my friends and I have developed a wonderful community building technique. This exercise is called Gentleman's Night.

It consists of getting all the guys together after 1AM and playing video games (usually Halo) and ordering wings or pizza. These events last for hours. We usually don't stop until 4:30 or 5AM. It is a just a very relaxing way to hang out.

If you don't like video games it is okay because we do not discriminate. At Gentleman's Night there is time for discussions, movies, music and epic high-fives. All are welcome!

I do have to admit even though I am usually wrecked the following morning from being so tired I love these nights so much.

We had a small scale Gentleman's Night last night where we played Halo and had some impromptu song-writing and poetry reading. I so truly love my friends.

If you are worried about the lack of sleep. In college the first lesson all new students learn is...HOW TO TAKE NAPS.
So don't worry. Have a great time and nap after.

Peace & Love
11/16/2010 03:48:52 pm

Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.


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    Hey all! I am the dude on the left in purple. I just so happen to be a Sophomore double major in English-Writing and Communications, a member of the Leadership Grant Program and the co-founder of Eastern's radio station...Oh, and did I mention I'm from Jersey?


    September 2010



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