Wowwww. It's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that.

Last week was a whirlwind... but then, a beautiful silver lining appeared... Fall Free Days! :) It was so wonderful to go home and just relax. I had a really great time with my family and spent time with a good friend right before coming back to school. That break was just what I needed in the middle of Midterm Season.

Now I'm back, with renewed energy, ready to conquer the next five weeks (until Thanksgiving Break). There's pretty much the normal workload this week , then this Friday is Conquer the Night, an all-night worship service with various campus ministries. I'm really excited.

Today's been a pretty good day. Had a meeting, went to work, went to classes, went to work again, then went to the gym with some friends before dinner. I think I'm on my way to a relationship seminar is Gough tonight. I went to last year's relationship seminar and it was really insightful... so we'll see.

Anyway, that's all I have for you now.
Well Homecoming has come and gone. It was a busy and stressful time BUT it was also fun. I miss hanging out with my friends. So often I'm tired from school work, and cannot spend time with my friends... this past weekend it was good to relax for a little while.

Now it's the beginning of a new week and it is another busy one... go figure. : / BUT how's this for a silver lining: in TWO DAYS, we begin Fall Free Days. I do not know who came up with the idea for Fall Free Days or why, but I am so grateful. Day classes are canceled Thursday and Friday, so many people leave Wednesday night and don't come back until Sunday night or Monday.

Fall Free Days is a magical time and I am SO ready to be home. Yes, I love Eastern, but it's time for a vacation... and maybe a real weekend?? Let's hope. :) Except I'll definitely be spending time getting caught up/working ahead, but still... a break from classes? Yes, please.

Anyway, time to get back to homework. Hopefully getting into bed by 1am.

Until next time.<3
Time if flying!

Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been so busy around here! It's Homecoming weekend and being a part of so many campus groups means that I have been and will be running around like crazy.

This past week has been so tiring and almost stressful. I had to phone-a-friend twice because I was getting so anxious about schoolwork. Feeling better today, but there's still lots to do. Before too much time went by, though, I figured that I should fill you in on life at EU.

In addition to lots of school work, Precious Movements is really busy too. We recently mimed at Chapel and it was so good to see all the new members worshiping together. Now we're getting ready for Conquer the Night, an all-night prayer and worship service. I'm so excited!

Also, I had some really great conversations with a few of my professors int he last few days. It's nice to go to a school that's small enough that the professors care so much about what you're saying or feeling. It's very encouraging...

Hmmmm. What else? Oh! One of my favorite EU grads is coming for Homecoming. I'm so excited... I just wish I could convince her to come to the dance. :) Speaking of the dance, I'm excited for that too.... but I tend to enjoy any occasion where I can dress up.

Anyway, the moral of the story is: School is a lot of work. A lot. A LOT... BUT it's also fun... Maybe not the 'fun' that they're having a Temple or UCONN, but if you get to meet some quality people, you can create the fun atmosphere.

Ok, I'm off to do more homework.

Until next time.
So today is October first... this semester is flying by!

Tonight is an on-campus coffeehouse hosted by one of the ladies on my hall, Deanna. She's hilarious so I'm sure it'll be a good time. Tomorrow a group of us are going to be doign homework then catching the train to Philly. This weekend is pretty low-key, which is fine, because next weekend is Homecoming and it'll be packed!

Anyway, I'm not sure if i'll write more this weekend.

Until next time,
So, I just had an INCREDIBLE weekend and I feel great about a test I just took. I don't even care that it's pouring outside; this day is off to a great start. :)

My weekend began with my job as part of Eastern's mentoring program, ENDURE. Although a lot of things seemed to go wrong, the event that we planned, OVERFLOW, went better than expected. What a blessing! My friends were a great support and there were people who I never met before who were excited to be there.  I can't even begin to explain how wonderfully everything went... I just know that God is more than faithful. :)

On Saturday and Sunday, Precious Movements (the women's ministry/mime &; praise dance ministry) was away on our second annual retreat and that was wonderful, too. I loved getting to know/getting closer to some of the women on this campus. There were times when I just looked around the room and was so encouraged and filled with joy at the women gathered there.

Anyway, now it's Monday, the start of another seemingly endless week... but I'm hopeful for a good day. Although life doesn't always happen as we expect it to, life is an absolutely beautiful adventure. :)

Until next time,
Well, this busy week is almost over! Oh, the sweet fragrance of a soon-coming Friday. :)

However busy and frustrating at times, this week has been so good.

Yesterday a good friend come to visit me and we went out to lunch after a stressful morning. Heather and I met during her senior year but we stayed close even after she graduated and she's become one of my best friends. Afterwards, I was part of a class discussion on community which was great. Last night, we had a great time at Precious Movements practice. I'm really excited about the mime we're doing for Conquer the Night (an all-night worship service on campus) on October 22nd.

After practice I went to a worship service in one of the residence halls and prayed with and for some of my favorite people. to have such great experiences with the community is a tremendous blessing. 

Right now I'm back in the library, doing some homework and waiting for a play to start.

Until next time.<3
Today was another busy day, College is tons of fun, but it's also tons of work.
I'm so grateful for my friends who keep me laughing &; sane in the midst of all this craziness.

This week is a pretty busy week... In addition to regular classes and work hours,  there is also an event with the ENDURE Mentoring Program that I am planning for Friday, before we leave for our Precious Movements retreat. I love the campus ministries/groups that I'm a part of, but I have to find a way to transition out well before I leave.

>Low: Being busy &; being hurt by an old friend
>High: Being comforted by a friend and Christ and the fact that I'm currently in the library, conquering this 'to do' list, listening to good music. :)

Always look for the silver lining. Romans 8:28.

Until next time,

P.S. Also, a cute boy just sat next to me in the library. Am I allowed to talk about that stuff? Haha. Focus, Robyn! :)
Happy Saturday. :)

I'm currently in the library--yes, on a Saturday--trying to finish up my homework until Tuesday. (It's difficult for me to do homework in my room so I get the bulk of it done in the library.) Later tonight, I'm going to Eastern's Latinos Unidos party ... Good music, hopefully some good food, and some dance lessons from one of favorite EU ladies, Nelly. Should be a good time.

Anyway, that's pretty much my day. I'd write more, but homework awaits.

Until next time.<3
Well, here's my first attempt at blogging for Eastern. This blog entry will be pretty short, because I'm currently preparing for Precious Movements (a women's ministry &; dance ministry at Eastern) practice... And later I have a mountain of homework to get to. Hopefully by this weekend I'll be able to do a proper introductory blog.

Until then.<3


    My name is Robyn Holt. I'm currently a senior at Eastern University and very excited about this year. I've never blogged before, but I like journaling, so hopefully this is similar. :)

    Also, I love getting to know people, so feel free to ask questions or talk back to me. :)



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