Time if flying!

Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been so busy around here! It's Homecoming weekend and being a part of so many campus groups means that I have been and will be running around like crazy.

This past week has been so tiring and almost stressful. I had to phone-a-friend twice because I was getting so anxious about schoolwork. Feeling better today, but there's still lots to do. Before too much time went by, though, I figured that I should fill you in on life at EU.

In addition to lots of school work, Precious Movements is really busy too. We recently mimed at Chapel and it was so good to see all the new members worshiping together. Now we're getting ready for Conquer the Night, an all-night prayer and worship service. I'm so excited!

Also, I had some really great conversations with a few of my professors int he last few days. It's nice to go to a school that's small enough that the professors care so much about what you're saying or feeling. It's very encouraging...

Hmmmm. What else? Oh! One of my favorite EU grads is coming for Homecoming. I'm so excited... I just wish I could convince her to come to the dance. :) Speaking of the dance, I'm excited for that too.... but I tend to enjoy any occasion where I can dress up.

Anyway, the moral of the story is: School is a lot of work. A lot. A LOT... BUT it's also fun... Maybe not the 'fun' that they're having a Temple or UCONN, but if you get to meet some quality people, you can create the fun atmosphere.

Ok, I'm off to do more homework.

Until next time.

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    My name is Robyn Holt. I'm currently a senior at Eastern University and very excited about this year. I've never blogged before, but I like journaling, so hopefully this is similar. :)

    Also, I love getting to know people, so feel free to ask questions or talk back to me. :)



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